5 Tips for Safe Lift Truck Operation

Every year over 100 workers are killed during a forklift accident and thousands more seriously injured. These statistics don’t make for good reading. When dealing with a forklift it is vital to use common sense but tragically, too many people seem to forget this and serious accidents happen. People get comfortable and make simple errors. Operators need to remember that they are in charge of what happens and accountable for any accidents that occur.

Manufactures are putting in an extra effort to create more safety features on their machinery however there are still thousands of older models that are still being used every day in Britain. They won’t be installed with new safety features so drivers still need to be alert. Here are 5 safety tips that forklift operators need to keep in mind when working:-

1. Qualified Operators Only

Only those individuals who are properly trained, authorised and licensed may operate forklifts. Don’t allow other members of staff to use the forklift even if it is only for a small amount of time.

2. Wear the Correct Clothing

Drivers must be appropriately dressed – the correct safety gear, including hi-visibility jacket, safety shoes and hard-hats should be worn. This will mean that the operator is easily identified and is protected.

3. Inspecting Equipment

To maintain forklift safety, forklift trucks should be thoroughly inspected before starting work and at the end of the day. Daily checks will mean that the forklift is up to safety standards. Any problems should be reported immediately.

4. Observe the Operating Environment

Follow all the work site rules, regulations and restrictions – Only operate forklift trucks in designated areas. This will mean minimal chance of accidents.

5. Keep your Distance

Do not operate your truck close to another truck or vehicle. Keep your distance from other members of staff when moving or loading as well.

Here at MJC Services we take forklift safety very seriously. If you have any questions regarding forklifts then feel free to contact us today.
